API Reference
Core API
chunk<T>(initialValue: T, middleware?: Middleware<T>[])
Creates a new state chunk, which holds reactive state and allows updates, subscriptions, and derived state.
interface Chunk<T> {
get(): T;
set: (newValueOrUpdater: T | ((currentValue: T) => T)) => void;
subscribe(callback: (value: T) => void): () => void;
derive<D>(fn: (value: T) => D): Chunk<D>;
reset: () => void;
destroy(): void;
import { chunk } from "stunk";
const counter = chunk(0);
counter.subscribe((value) => console.log("Counter:", value));
counter.set(10); // Logs: Counter: 10
counter.set((prev) => prev + 1);
select<T, S>(sourceChunk: Chunk<T>, selector: (value: T) => S): Chunk<S>
Creates a read-only chunk that updates only when the selected value changes, optimizing reactivity.
const user = chunk({ name: "John", age: 30 });
const userName = select(user, (u) =>;
// This component re-renders only when `name` changes, not `age`
const UserName = () => {
const name = useChunkValue(userName);
return <p>{name}</p>;
batch(callback: () => void)
Batches multiple updates to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
batch(() => {
count.set((prev) => prev + 1);
batch(() => {
user.set({ name: "Alice", age: 25 });
batch(() => {
settings.set({ theme: "dark" });
✅ Nested Batching Support – Ensures efficient updates even inside nested calls.
State Enhancements
withHistory<T>(chunk: Chunk<T>, options?: { maxHistory?: number })
Enhances a chunk with undo/redo capabilities.
interface ChunkWithHistory<T> extends Chunk<T> {
undo(): void;
redo(): void;
canUndo(): boolean;
canRedo(): boolean;
getHistory(): T[];
clearHistory(): void;
const counter = withHistory(chunk(0));
counter.undo(); // Reverts to 5
counter.redo(); // Moves forward to 10
Middleware API
Middleware allows custom processing of state updates before they are applied.
Type Definition
type Middleware<T> = (value: T, next: (newValue: T) => void) => void;
const logger: Middleware<number> = (value, next) => {
console.log("Updating value to:", value);
next(value); // Continue with update
const count = chunk(0, [logger]);
count.set(10); // Logs: "Updating value to: 10"
✅ Middleware Chain Support – Multiple middlewares can process the state before it updates.
Derived & Computed State
Key Differences: derive
vs computed
Feature | derive (Single Chunk) | computed (Multiple Chunks) |
Dependencies | One chunk | Multiple chunks |
Caching | No caching | Cached until dependencies change |
Use Case | Simple transformations | Complex calculations |
Reactivity in Computed Properties
A computed property automatically tracks its dependencies, ensuring it updates when relevant state changes.
React API
useChunk<T, S = T>(chunk: Chunk<T>, selector?: (value: T) => S): readonly [S, (valueOrUpdater: T | ((currentValue: T) => T)) => void, () => void, () => void]
Subscribes a React component to a chunk, triggering re-renders when the chunk changes.
const counter = chunk(0);
const CounterComponent = () => {
const [count, set] = useChunk(counter);
return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<button onClick={() => set((prev) => prev + 1)}>Increment</button>
useDerive<T, D>(chunk: Chunk<T>, fn: (value: T) => D): D
Creates a derived read-only value from a chunk.
const user = chunk({ firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" });
const fullName = useDerive(user, (u) => `${u.firstName} ${u.lastName}`);
useComputed<TDeps extends Chunk<any>[], TResult>(dependencies: [...TDeps], computeFn: (...args: DependencyValues<TDeps>) => TResult): TResult
Computes a value based on multiple chunks.
const price = chunk(100);
const tax = chunk(0.2);
const total = useComputed([price, tax], (p, t) => p + p * t);
useAsyncChunk<T>(asyncChunk: AsyncChunk<T>)
Handles async state with loading, error, and data properties.
const dataChunk = asyncChunk(fetchData);
const { data, loading, error, reload } = useAsyncChunk(dataChunk);
useChunkValue<T, S = T>(chunk: Chunk<T>, selector?: (value: T) => S): S
Hook that subscribes to a chunk and returns only its current value.
const count = chunk(0);
const CounterDisplay = () => {
const value = useChunkValue(count);
return <p>Count: {value}</p>;
useChunkValues<T extends Chunk<any>[]>(chunks: [...T])
Hook to read values from multiple chunks at once.
const firstName = chunk("John");
const lastName = chunk("Doe");
const FullName = () => {
const [first, last] = useChunkValues([firstName, lastName]);
return (
Full Name: {first} {last}
useChunkProperty<T, K extends keyof T>(chunk: Chunk<T>, property: K)
A hook that subscribes to a specific property of a chunk.
import { chunk } from "stunk";
import { useChunkProperty } from "stunk/react";
const user = chunk({ name: "John", age: 30 });
const UserName = () => {
const name = useChunkProperty(user, "name");
return <p>Name: {name}</p>;
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