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useDerive is a React hook that allows you to create a read-only derived state from a Chunk. It ensures that the derived value remains reactive and updates automatically when the source Chunk changes.

Basic Usage

import { chunk } from "stunk";
import { useDerive } from "stunk/react";

const count = chunk(0);

const DoubledCount = () => {
  const double = useDerive(count, (value) => value * 2);

  return <p>Double: {double}</p>;

How It Works

  • useDerive(chunk, fn) takes a source chunk and a derivation function.
  • It returns a reactive computed value based on the chunk’s state.
  • The component re-renders only when the derived value changes.

Using useDerive with Objects

const user = chunk({ name: "John", age: 30 });

const UserInfo = () => {
  const userAgeText = useDerive(user, (state) => `Age: ${state.age}`);

  return <p>{userAgeText}</p>;

Even if other properties of user change, the component only re-renders if age updates.

Why Use useDerive?

✅ Derived Reactivity – Keeps computed values in sync with state.
✅ Optimized Performance – Only re-renders when the derived value changes.
✅ Read-Only Computation – Prevents accidental state mutations.
✅ Memoized for Efficiency – Avoids unnecessary recalculations.

🚀 Conclusion

useDerive is a powerful way to compute reactive values in React applications using Stunk. It ensures efficient state derivation with minimal boilerplate.

Next up, let's explore useComputed.