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πŸ”— Middleware ​

Middleware in Stunk lets you intercept and modify state updates before they happen. You can use middleware to:

βœ… Log state changes πŸ“œ
βœ… Validate input values βœ…
βœ… Transform data before updating πŸ”„
βœ… Trigger side effects βš™οΈ

Instead of modifying chunks manually, you can attach multiple middlewares to a chunk at creation.

Built-in Middleware in Stunk ​

Stunk comes with some useful built-in middleware, such as logging and validation. You can use them out of the box like this:

import { chunk } from "stunk";
import { logger, nonNegativeValidator } from "stunk/middleware";

// Create a chunk with built-in middleware
const age = chunk(25, [logger, nonNegativeValidator]);

// Logs: "Updating from 25 to 30"

// Throws: "Value must be non-negative!" (update prevented)

How Stunk Implements Middleware ​

Internally, Stunk's middleware system works like this:

export const logger: Middleware<any> = (value, next, prev) => {
  console.log(`Updating from ${prev} to ${value}`);

export const nonNegativeValidator: Middleware<number> = (value, next) => {
  if (value < 0) {
    throw new Error("Value must be non-negative!");
  next(value); // If validation passes, proceed with the update

Creating Your Own Middleware ​

You can create your custom middleware using the same pattern. Here’s an example that caps a number at a maximum value:

export const maxValue =
  (max: number): Middleware<number> =>
  (value, next) => {
    if (value > max) {
      console.warn(`Value exceeded max (${max}), setting to ${max}`);
    } else {

// Usage:
const score = chunk(0, [maxValue(100)]);

// Logs: "Value exceeded max (100), setting to 100"

Why Use Middleware? ​

βœ”οΈ Encapsulate Logic – Keep validation and transformation separate from app logic.
βœ”οΈ Chain Multiple Behaviors – Stack middlewares for powerful state control.
βœ”οΈ Reusability – Use the same middleware across different chunks.

Want to undo or redo state changes? Let’s explore time travel in Stunk! πŸš€