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🧩 State Selection

Sometimes, you don’t need the entire state—just a specific part of it. With Stunk, you can efficiently select and react to specific properties without unnecessary re-renders.

Selecting Specific Properties

Use select to create readonly chunks derived from an existing chunk:

import { chunk, select } from "stunk";

const userChunk = chunk({
  name: "Olamide",
  age: 30,
  email: "",

// Select specific properties (readonly)
const nameChunk = select(userChunk, (state) =>;
const ageChunk = select(userChunk, (state) => state.age);

nameChunk.subscribe((name) => console.log("Name changed:", name));
// Will only re-render if `name` changes.

nameChunk.set("Fola"); // ❌ This will throw an error! nameChunk is readonly.

Selecting Nested Properties

Here's how to efficiently select and react to nested properties:

import { chunk, select } from "stunk";

const userChunk = chunk({
  profile: {
    name: "Olamide",
    age: 30,
    email: "",
  settings: {
    theme: "dark",
    notifications: true,

// Select deeply nested properties (readonly)
const nameChunk = select(userChunk, (state) =>;
const themeChunk = select(userChunk, (state) => state.settings.theme);

// Subscribe to selected properties
nameChunk.subscribe((name) => console.log("Name changed:", name));
themeChunk.subscribe((theme) => console.log("Theme changed:", theme));

// Update the original chunk
userChunk.set((state) => { = "David"; // ✅ This will trigger `nameChunk` subscribers

// Updating unrelated properties does not trigger unnecessary re-renders
userChunk.set((state) => {
  state.settings.theme = "light"; // ✅ This will trigger `themeChunk` subscribers only

// ❌ This will throw an error because `select` makes properties readonly

Why Use State Selection?

✔️ Optimized Performance → Only updates when the selected value changes.
✔️ Avoid Unnecessary Renders → Components subscribed to a selection won’t re-render if other properties change.
✔️ Readonly Safety → Prevents accidental state modifications outside the main chunk.

Want to update multiple chunks efficiently while notifying subscribers just once? Let's dive into Batch Updates next! 🚀