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useChunk is a React hook that integrates with Stunk, allowing components to reactively read and update state stored in a Chunk. It supports optional selectors for optimized state selection and minimal re-renders.

Basic Usage

import { chunk } from "stunk";
import { useChunk } from "stunk/react";

const count = chunk(0);

const Counter = () => {
  const [value, set, reset] = useChunk(count);

  return (
      <p>Count: {value}</p>
      <button onClick={() => update((prev) => prev + 1)}>Increment</button>
      <button onClick={() => reset()}>Reset</button>

Understanding the Return Values

useChunk(chunk) returns a tuple:

  • value – The current state.
  • set(newValue | updaterFn) – Directly sets a new value or Updates the state using the previous value.
  • reset() - Reset the chunk to its initial value. .
  • destroy() - Destroy the chunk and all its subscribers.

Using a Selector for Optimized Re-renders

By default, useChunk causes a component to re-render whenever any part of the chunk changes. However, using a selector ensures that the component only re-renders when the selected part of the state updates.

const count = chunk({ value: 0, timestamp: });

const SelectorExample = () => {
  const [value] = useChunk(count, (state) => state.value);

  return <p>Selected Count: {value}</p>;

Why use a selector?

Without a selector, changes to timestamp would trigger re-renders even if value remains the same. With a selector, the component only updates when state.value changes.

Why Use useChunk?

Automatic Reactivity – Components re-render only when relevant state changes.
Selector Support – Reduces unnecessary re-renders by picking only necessary parts of the state.
Simplified API – Easy-to-use functions for setting and updating state.

Edge Cases & Considerations

  • If the selector always returns the same value (e.g., () => 1), the component won’t re-render.
  • useChunk ensures stable references for set and update, so they don’t cause unnecessary renders.
  • Avoid selecting deep objects unless using memoization, as new object references trigger renders.

🚀 Conclusion

useChunk provides an efficient and ergonomic way to integrate Stunk with React applications. By leveraging selectors and reactivity, it ensures performant state management with minimal boilerplate.

Next up, let's explore useDerive and how we can use this powerful hook.